Monday, May 13, 2013

Rando Post

Hey guys! Hope all is well! The weather has been relatively nice and I've been seeing more and more people hitting the streets for their outdoor workouts!

 I think I'm getting tired. My legs, that is. My pace is slowing some days and I'm having a hard time getting my runs done with my average pace. I don't know if it's because I've been busier and working at a restaurant (so walking around a LOTTTTT) -- I don't know, but it's starting to frustrate me. I took a rest day Friday and then *killed* my run Saturday with an overall pace of 8:55 min/mile for 11 miles. I've got a race this weekend (Fargo) and Memorial Day weekend (Traverse City) -- and I really want to PR with 2:00:00. Fingers crossed! I don't think I'll have any problems, but starting my prep this week by upping my water intake and cutting carbs down until Friday. That means no eggy oats for a few days *cry* --
Love these babies!

Already thinking about my pre-race ritual: banana, coffee, water, immodium AD (for my awful runners IBS). My runners belt, Gu, water/gatorade, gum, and my iphone playlist. Already getting excited about it. Already packing :) I leave Thursdayyyy <3 

So -- I spiced up some rice on Monday -- yum. 

Brown rice with green onions, lime juice, cilantro, cumin/paprika, anddddd japs. Duh.
DELISH. Wish I snapped a pic :(
I always forget to spice my rice up a bit..but I loved it. LOVEDDD it. Trying to really eat healthy (no treat meals) this week. My workouts will start tapering down in preparation for my races, anddd I want to feel tip-top since I'm going to be visiting the boy. :) SOOO happy about that. After 7 weeks of no phone calls or actual time together, I am certainly ready to spend some QT. I give people who successfully do long distance relationships and do them well props. It is not always fun and easy. #truestory 

Fast feet? Yep!
I am LOVING this weather, and have been getting my runs in early. Which I also LOVE LOVE LOVE. If you follow me on Instagram (katdavi), you already know this, because I always post my runs. Get over it if it bothers you, k? Thanks. But pretty soon...

Yep. It will happen :)

Sad note: two of my quiet neighbors have moved out and I'm nervous I'm going to get some crazies. I will NOT be pleased. Happy note: We got new carpet and paint and tile in the hall/entryway of my building, and I reallllllly like it. Love new stuff! Fancyyy. Plus, if my rent is going up I wanna see some improvements.  A while ago I posted and ranted about our god-awful gym, and that's under construction so I am anxious to see how it's going to look! Did I mention i'm getting a roomie in July? We will see how that works out, but living on the cheap will be nice. Adjusting to not living alone will be rough but it's just a year :)

whats up grades?! Glad to finally see you! Ended up with a 3.7 for the semester. #poundit! So happy with that. This semester was ROUGH. So happy to have the hardest semester behind me. Ready to start my year of interning at the MSU Counseling Center and making the most of what I know. :) Been toying with the future idea of getting my doctorate...I know. #whatsmyproblem.

*adios! Happy Monday!

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