Friday, June 7, 2013

Marathon Training: Week 1

Ok, ladies and gents! I've started my training :) I was going to wait another week but I was getting anxious, and the first week is light, so I went ahead and started it. I've tried to develop a phrase from my group therapy class that I love -- Go forward with relaxed intent.
Key word: relaxed intent. 
This is fun -- not a super stressful thing that I beat myself up over if I have a less-than-stellar run or I'm not feeling it one morning and my run ends up being a little short or whatever. The idea behind relaxed intent is that I will enjoy it, try to reduce stress over it because this is elective, joyful, and exciting. Something I (mostly) enjoy. A bucket-list goal. An insane decision that makes me feel like I'm a little bit unstable --- but whatever :) I'm not the only crazy one, and if I'm gonna be nuts, why not be fit, too? (: Yes, these things actually go through my head...
Anyway -  why freak out and give myself an added stress when the Lord knows I have plenty of other things to be stressing about.

Love this. 
In the single digits away from being in the beautiful land of Texas :) God's country, as we like to say :)
I cannot waittttttttttt. The joy my family (both given and chosen) brings me is nothing that I could ever describe in words. I am SO thankful - every day - to have them. Also so excited to visit my home church. I haven't been there *in the flesh* since last Christmas.
Very fun. Excitingggg.

Not so exciting? The bf is in Norway. While it's a 7 hour time difference, the pictures I've seen are GORGEOUS and I'm beyond jealous. :/ I'm getting pictures like this:

(going to the grocery store has never looked so glamorous)
Sup Norway?!

This is what I'll be doing for the next 16 weeks (:
Hal Higdon's plan for Marathon training (Novice 2)

So excited to get started on this!
Anyone who is doing a marathon HAS to read Marathon by Hal Hidgon. It is the BEST motivator and has some really great advice. I will forever be a fan of Hal. His system works, y'all.

Got some Clif Shots to try out, as they'll be the sponsored gel at the Twin Cities Marathon. I also got some Honey Stinger waffles and chews (previously written about) and I think I got another thing to try. I need to get some Powerade Ion 4, as that's the sports drink they'll provide. AND after research and lots of positive reviews, I got some compression socks. I'll let you know how I like them. My sweet friend Jodi gave me a heads up on a sale from pro compression so I got them 40% off! whaaatyessss.

I'm also implementing these diet changes starting this week from Matt Fitzgerald's book that I read, The New Nutrition Guide for Marathoners and Half-Marathoners. I would definitely recommend it for anyone that is super active. The "plan" isn't a "diet" but a way to look at food and nutrition for the rest of your life. I just really resonated with it. To start, I've got this DELISH dinner to appease my weekly pizza craving iaintmadatchaaa

ANDDDD --- I cut all my hair off. Again (:

#teenytinyponyhair (Erynn's word for ponytail. I now talk like I'm 2 years old).

Off to watch Dateline. Don't hate. I know I sound like an old woman.
I have 6 miles tomorrow, and then work work work.
Happy weekend, y'all! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mental Marathon Prepping Step One: Research.

Holy running. 
If you -- like many runners -- have ever committed to upping your distance racing after finishing a race -- the first thing you think is, "I can do this!" So, since I'm on a forced running break until I start marathon training, Ive decided to do some legit research. I already know I'm using THIS Hal Higdon marathon plan, so that's been settled :)
Call me a nerd, it's ok.
 I prefer to call it interested, desire to be prepared, super excited.....wanting to be able to run as comfortably and successfully as I can. And lets face it...26.2 miles of running doesn't make me think of ease or comfort :) However, I've been reading about macros and how to eat to run more efficiently. It's really interesting! To me, maybe (and probably) not to you. 

Another thing I'm doing is looking at potential gear I may need (or really want):

- My running belt water bottles are falling out. Ugh. Looking into why and how to get that under control...I really don't want to buy a new one. My dad got me this one, and I know they're around $50 bucks. I'm down to one water bottle since I lost one during the Fargo half. *annoyed* But I'd much rather buy a replacement bottle than a whole new belt, if I can guarantee it won't fall out. I currently have a Nathan's hydration belt (Speed 2).
- Compression socks/sleeves? I've seen a lot of info supporting wearing these. I don't want to shell out the dough, but will do some research and buy them if need be. Any suggestions or tips are welcome and encouraged :) 

- I'm gonna need some more Brandy bands :) Love those things <3
- cold gear -- I'm pretty much positive that it's going to be pretty cold early October in Minnesota -- so I may invest in a new cold gear outfit. I have a great pair of UA coldgear compression tights that I've worn for about two years. I would love another pair. :) Also, since discovering 6 PM I can justify buying it when it's cheaper than at Dick's :)

My sweet Dad just got me some new running socks (my favorite Thorko's Experia socks) that will be perfect for my long runs throughout the summer. Thanks Daddy-o! 

Luckily, Michelle lives just outside of the city, and has graciously opened her home -- and Kelly has a friend that lives there, too. ANDDD I don't want to speak too soon but I may have some family present, too. :)

Pre-race worship service?!  UMMM that sounds awesome! Good ole Midwest <3

SPOILER ALERT: Until my intern starts, pretty much all my posts will be about running and my Texas vacay coming up. #sorryimnotsorry
I'm SOOOO excited to go home for a much needed visit! My baby brother is graduating high school -- weirddd but fun :) Ready to party with the fam and celebrate all our blessings <3