Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

This made me laugh out loud. I know so many people who probably get tired of hearing about my running complaints/victories -- in addition to all the other fitness-y stuff I talk about. There's certainly a fine line, and I try not to ramble to the folks I know don't care about my race pace, newest ailment, etc. Everyone talks about something too much -- work, their kids, their significant other, money, etc. Mine happens to be working out/healthy eating. Shoot me. 

Ok, please don't shoot me. Just tell me to shut it. Say it nicely though, ifyoudon'tmind.

THAT BEING SAID: Let's talk about the WEEKEND

MSU played Friday at 9:00,  but I was in a MOOOOOD (What I mean by that is I told my boyfriend I wanted to "rip his face off for no reason" -- true story). So, after I got off work after working 11.5 hours -- yes, this glamorous life I lead :) -- I ran my 5 miles scheduled for Saturday because I just wanted to be able to sleep in a little. Took some IB Profen, and drank a Spark around 7:15 so I'd be ready to run right when I got home around 8:00. I was slow, but I got that shit done.
So, I did that and was in a much better mood, so we ended up meeting and watching State WIN.

Because it was snowing I ran on the dreadmill, er, treadmill. Snow? Yep. You read that right.

That day in March was last Sunday/Monday. I forced myself into shorts because I was irrationally optimistic. Oh well. We're still in Winter in my opinion (considering it snowed Wednesday and Friday and Saturday morning -- ew), so whatevs. Anywayyyy, I put on my green and got ready for a pub-run. About two miles with frequent bar stops. To support the National Food Bank, of course I had to :) Here's some pics: 
Me and Natasha

Capital Steps in downtown Lansing
Getting a little cray. at 1:00 PM.
So, we finished that up and came back to rest/watch Michigan State lose (ugh). We took a power nap and got ready to hit the town Saturday night. Ummm, this is probably the only decent picture since I had too much to drink. Ugh. Like, throwupinthemorning too much. So awful.

With that being said, I did absolutely NOTHING today. My head was POUNDING all morning (er, afternoon), and I finally got up and moved to the couch at 1:00. Went and sat in the sauna for an hour to sweat all that alcohol out, and am feeling much better. People that legit drink all weekend every weekend amaze me, I just have no desire to feel like shit all the time. Or waste all my money.

Going to hit the hay early tonight after PAAAAAAACKING for my trip :) Can't wait to get to Minneapolis soon! 6 weeks is a long time to go without seeing your love *blush* and I am so so so excited to spend some quality time with the one that I love. Ok, sweetsy stuff *over.*

Also -- thanks for family prayers. Keep em coming if you can! Reminding myself that God is in charge and everything happens for a reason.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe weekend!

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