Saturday, March 2, 2013

March: Social Work Month

NASW postcard I got 

Another awesome thing about March is Social Work Month. I love this month, naturally, because I am a social worker. It's one of my favorite self identities, and I will always proudly proclaim, "I am a social worker" when people ask.

If I've been asked once, I've been asked a twohundredbajillion times, "Oh, so you like...take people's kids away?" No, idiots. I don't. And for the record, only a fraction of social workers work for Child Protective Services. 

What social workers actually DO: Work with elderly, help with end of life issues, work with families/children/adolescents/adults/ groups, and organizations. Some do counseling, help with disadvantaged groups, organize classes/programs for teen moms, the homeless, after-school organizations, work for head-start programs or cities, counsel on substance abuse, trauma (sexual assault, abandonment, PTSD, etc.), adoption, foster care, juvenile justice, prison systems.....I'll go ahead and stop there.

For instance: I will be interning at the Michigan State University Counseling center -- and I will work with students of all ages, with anything they bring to me. Being excited to work for free just tells you how excited I actually am :)

If you know a social worker, tell them thank you. More than likely, their job is hard, and they do it because they love it. They probably take on too much, and often forget to take care of themselves.

Tip of the day: Love your social workers, friends. They know other social workers that can help you with things if they can't help themselves. <3 

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