Ok -- so I love me some food. Please show me someone who doesn't -- even 'rexis like food. Luckily, my fam eats pretty much healthy. Except Dad -- if it weren't for my mom, we'd have pizza or macaroni and sausage every night. Or cereal. These are my dad's favorites. Luckily, he doesn't do the cooking or we'd all be unhealthy fatties. Sorry Dad, it's true.
Anyway, my mom makes the World's Best Turkey Burgers. You've probably seen her famous recipe floating around on Pinterest -- joking. I've been making them between burger patty and meatball sized, like sliders-ish and throwing them on my salads, like this:
They're so good. I LOVE them. More than traditional burgers. That's a little mozzarella cheese on top, it looks like squeezable mayo but it's not -- that would be gross. For two patties it's 194 calories.
Anyway, you need, ground turkey, and a veggie mix pack.
This is the only brand if veggie mix I've been able to find. But, this is all you need. None of that 20something-ingredient list. Ain't nobody got time for that. So, thaw the meat and dump in the mix and mix together with hands. Clean hands, preferably. Unless it's just you eating it -- then do whatever you want. Form them into whatever size you prefer, and bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes. I just cut one open and make sure they're done, I don't own a thermometer. I just make sure it's not pink in the middle.
Finished product from today -- makes 11 (I ate one pre-pic) |
Put them over sandwiches, toss with spaghetti squash and tomato sauce, put it in between bread/pita for a makeshift sandwich/wrap. They're so good! These also freeze well, so there ya go. My go to "I'm sick of chicken what do I eat" meat. :)
New recipe from my Pinterest board I tried -- Ok, I'm trying to branch out and I've sworn off pinning new recipes until I start trying the bajillions that I've already pinned. I LOVE Mac and Cheese, but it is clearly not diet friendly, and since my last cleanse I've really reduced my dairy by like 75%. But, this looked delicious and I kept thinking about making it. So I did. This is how I modified it to make it a bit healthier:
1 cup of spaghetti squash /1 cup whole wheat pasta instead of the 2 cups of pasta
1.5 cups of the cheese and 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese instead of the 2 cups of cheddar
I made my own "bread crumbs" using my Ezekiel bread, garlic powder, and flax seeds.
of course made it spicyyy (more cayenne, dried japs, red pepper flakes, paprika)
I used coconut milk because that's what I use ** I'd recommend getting some skim or 1% because the sweetness is not masked by the cheese. **
This is my "breadcrumb" mixture. |
My roasted veggies. About 25 minutes in the oven at 350 |
Cheese mixture. |
FINISHED! and tastyyy. |
Other news:
GOT MY BRADY BANDS! Love them. They're so cute. And they seriously stay on. So, for those that need some great hairoutofyourfacethatdontfalloff headbands, these are super affordable, and cute.
Green chevron, gunmetal sparkles <3 |
Just when you think winter is over, you go on a night run and fall on the damn ice. Hard. Thanks, Michigan. I forgot that March is still freakingggg winter here. Lesson learned. I'll stick to daytime runs or the treadmill until April (ughhh).

ANDDDDDDD finally -- cheers to me for securing my next job! I'll be working at the River House (yes -- waiting tables for the first time in three years) this summer when my nanny job ends and my internship starts. Bittersweet :( I am going to truly miss my Michigan family, but it's nice to know I won't be jobless and can still go over to harass them whenever I want :)
ANDDDDD -- wow it's been a busy eventful week -- I'll be visiting Minneapolis in less than TWO WEEKS! So so excited to visit a new place and spend time with M/his sister :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I'll be spending the rest of this SPRING FORWARD day working on school stuff, since I already ran my 4 miles and can't procrastinate anymore. Happy Sunday!
Since this pic, it's only gotten uglier. Ugh. |
ANDDDD I got my triathlon training book in AND my super cheap new Mizunos (Amazon Student prime + gift card + late 'model' shoes = 100+ shoes for about half the price. Bonus), so my plan is to read some on Sunday and pick a triathlon -- I'm torn between the Grand Rapids one in early September or the August 25th Playmakers one here in Lansing. Leaning towards the local Playmakers one.
ANDDDDDDD finally -- cheers to me for securing my next job! I'll be working at the River House (yes -- waiting tables for the first time in three years) this summer when my nanny job ends and my internship starts. Bittersweet :( I am going to truly miss my Michigan family, but it's nice to know I won't be jobless and can still go over to harass them whenever I want :)
Root Cabernet <3 |
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I'll be spending the rest of this SPRING FORWARD day working on school stuff, since I already ran my 4 miles and can't procrastinate anymore. Happy Sunday!
So now what are we going to have to catch up on tomorrow, now that I've got the overview! I guess I get the details not covered on the blog :)