HAHA this could NOT be more true, as Natasha and I just had a talk about all the engagements (and several baby announcements lately too) happening all over our newsfeeds :)
OMG -- New Music? I can tell summer is coming because of all the fabulous tunes I'm hearing these days!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - love this albummmmm. Subway? Yep.
Iron and Wine - I've not been in the mood for this type of music, but I do love Iron and Wine, so this will be on reserve for a long drive or something.
Daft Punk (single) - Get Lucky Soooooo fun. Listen to it a few times on my run Sunday.
Kid Cudi - have to be in the mood for it, but I like it. Listened to some songs (with skips) during my rains Wednesday AM run. It's not really a fabulous sign when I'm skipping, but it could have been because I was running and needed some pep.
Steve Earle - OMG love. That's all I have to say :)
Jimmy Eat World (single) - I do like their new single. Not a surprise, I love Jimmy Eat World.
Tyga - The ghetto girl inside of me did a little dance and the white girl translation was not pretty. However, this CD is great if you can excuse the vulgarity and the language. Depending on my mood I can or can't.
The Flaming Lips - TBD.
M83- TBD.
*I haven't had time to listen to these with all the finals and stuff. however, they're pending :)
Basically, M and I virtually race each other to see who is faster. Unfortunately, he's currently in the lead. |
Wednesday AM rainy/windy run. But still a great time, under my target pace which was 9:00. |
Some days I wish I were Forest Gump. Just be like....I-WAS-RUNN-INGGGG. Seriously. Plus, that soundtrack is legit. Who wouldn't want to run to that? Well, the point of this is I did feel like Forest this past Sunday when I had my 9 mile run. I felt great, ran from Haslett into EL and the wrapped around back. The weather was *perfect* (mark the calendar, I may not ever say that again) and I made great time and even attempted to pace myself a little bit slower because I tend to go too fast towards the beginning and lose steam. Anywhoooo -- Sunday was a great great run, and I'm hoping to keep those up! I also loved seeing SO many people out running. Friendly runners waves are the best. Especially when you can see someone struggling until you get closer then they perk up and act like they are killing it haha!! Wait....Maybe that's just what I do....?
Some quick pics during my run. See that? It's sunshine. *love it* Also saw a three legged dog, more deer, and some awesome birds (red, blue, finches...). Love seeing deer on my runs, as long as they run AWAY from me :)
Booked my next trip to see the boy and I am SO EXCITED. Although he's going to put me to work on the house, I went ahead and registered for the Fargo half, so I'm really looking forward to seeing the city that way. Hopefully it's not snowing or flooding or freezing, but I'm not going to hold my breath for that one. I know better. In addition to being a handy-woman, I'm hoping to add another great race time to the list. This will be half marathon #3, and then the next weekend I'll tackle half #4 at the Bayshore. Such a great excuse to travel, and with Kelly B no less <3 EXCITEDDDDD.
Went to Trivia last night with Natasha...and to quote her, "we maybe didn't win" which means we lost. Bad. But, we had fun :) Post-semester life is so much better!!

It's so fun to have pics of stuff that isn't workout/food sometimes :) I sometimes socialize, y'all!!
Now that school has settled for a while I'll get back to my regular posts!
It's so fun to have pics of stuff that isn't workout/food sometimes :) I sometimes socialize, y'all!!
Now that school has settled for a while I'll get back to my regular posts!