Sunday, April 14, 2013

What's Been Up

Hey All!!! 

So, uh, I've kinda been dropping off the planet lately with school being *cray* and starting my new second job, and you know...being awesome. 

So: News? Sure. 

- Almost a month away from my half and I am super excited! It's been FOREVER (well, ok, just September, but that's close to forever), and I have been working hard (for the money) -- kidding...working hard to prevent knee injury/pain that creeps up EVERY training season.

- Tuesday after class I helped SURPRISE my girl Natasha with a fun little birthday bash at her apartment. Not the easiest task, but was totally fun and I loved helping make one of my favorite people celebrate one of my favorite days ever (birthdays). Her roomie is super sweet and planned it all, I just had to help occupy her beforehand. Fun stuff. 

- It seems spring will never get here. And when I say never, I really mean it. It snowed today and yesterday a bit -- snow, you know, what white stuff that's usually here between uh, never in Texas? Yep, NEWSFLASH -- it snows between now and ALWAYS here in Michigan. UGH. So, I was getting all pissy about it and decided to go summer shopping. For running clothes, as if I ever buy normal clothes anymore :) Got 5 things y'all -- (and an awesome hair brush) for $61 bones. WHATTUP! I am *obsessed* with these shorts, Adidas and New Balance. I got two tops --  a long one (because let's face it, I may be in a cold weather state the rest of my lifeeee) and a cute running tank: 
Marshall's -- serious. 
Yeah I model my new running clothes and send pics to my mom/bf/friends/Instagram, what else would I do?!

Also promised I'd show you the Honey Stinger treats I am loving, so there.
ok, I know Lance Armstrong uses them, but there's not any illegal drugs in there, I promise. Love these things.

ALMOST done with the first year of school. 9 days until my semester is over. SPOILER ALERT: There will probably be some super emotional post coming up about this past year, blahblahcryetcetra. Feel free to skip that read if you'd like :)

A few things that made me laugh this week:
so true.

"taxi" service in EL. 

Me trying to use tools and unclog my vacuum. Such a shitshow, but I did it alll by myself. :)

Been back at it with my running group, and I am loving it. I forgot how much easier it is to do my long runs with others. Plus, we usually get coffee, lunch, or booze after, so that's a nice little bonus.  If you are a lazybonessss like I can sometimes be, joining a running group, cycling group, whatevergroup helps hold yourself accountable for physical activity. Plus, putting something on the calendar motivates you to get it done. That's my words of wisdom for the day.

Upcoming Races: Bayshore (5/25), Fargo Half [pending] (5/18), Playmakers Triathlon (8/25)
*hoping to add something else to the list soon!*

Off to meal prep and stuff my face. Adios! 

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