Ok, ladies and gents! I've started my training :) I was going to wait another week but I was getting anxious, and the first week is light, so I went ahead and started it. I've tried to develop a phrase from my group therapy class that I love -- Go forward with relaxed intent.
Key word: relaxed intent.
This is fun -- not a super stressful thing that I beat myself up over if I have a less-than-stellar run or I'm not feeling it one morning and my run ends up being a little short or whatever. The idea behind relaxed intent is that I will enjoy it, try to reduce stress over it because this is elective, joyful, and exciting. Something I (mostly) enjoy. A bucket-list goal. An insane decision that makes me feel like I'm a little bit unstable --- but whatever :) I'm not the only crazy one, and if I'm gonna be nuts, why not be fit, too? (: Yes, these things actually go through my head...
Anyway - why freak out and give myself an added stress when the Lord knows I have plenty of other things to be stressing about.
In the single digits away from being in the beautiful land of Texas :) God's country, as we like to say :)
I cannot waittttttttttt. The joy my family (both given and chosen) brings me is nothing that I could ever describe in words. I am SO thankful - every day - to have them. Also so excited to visit my home church. I haven't been there *in the flesh* since last Christmas.
Very fun. Excitingggg.
Not so exciting? The bf is in Norway. While it's a 7 hour time difference, the pictures I've seen are GORGEOUS and I'm beyond jealous. :/ I'm getting pictures like this:

(going to the grocery store has never looked so glamorous)
Sup Norway?!
This is what I'll be doing for the next 16 weeks (:
Hal Higdon's plan for Marathon training (Novice 2)
So excited to get started on this!
Anyone who is doing a marathon HAS to read Marathon by Hal Hidgon. It is the BEST motivator and has some really great advice. I will forever be a fan of Hal. His system works, y'all.

Got some Clif Shots to try out, as they'll be the sponsored gel at the Twin Cities Marathon. I also got some Honey Stinger waffles and chews (previously written about) and I think I got another thing to try. I need to get some Powerade Ion 4, as that's the sports drink they'll provide. AND after research and lots of positive reviews, I got some compression socks. I'll let you know how I like them. My sweet friend Jodi gave me a heads up on a sale from pro compression so I got them 40% off! whaaatyessss.
I'm also implementing these diet changes starting this week from Matt Fitzgerald's book that I read, The New Nutrition Guide for Marathoners and Half-Marathoners. I would definitely recommend it for anyone that is super active. The "plan" isn't a "diet" but a way to look at food and nutrition for the rest of your life. I just really resonated with it. To start, I've got this DELISH dinner to appease my weekly pizza craving iaintmadatchaaa
ANDDDD --- I cut all my hair off. Again (:

#teenytinyponyhair (Erynn's word for ponytail. I now talk like I'm 2 years old).
Off to watch Dateline. Don't hate. I know I sound like an old woman.
I have 6 miles tomorrow, and then work work work.
Happy weekend, y'all!
This is fun -- not a super stressful thing that I beat myself up over if I have a less-than-stellar run or I'm not feeling it one morning and my run ends up being a little short or whatever. The idea behind relaxed intent is that I will enjoy it, try to reduce stress over it because this is elective, joyful, and exciting. Something I (mostly) enjoy. A bucket-list goal. An insane decision that makes me feel like I'm a little bit unstable --- but whatever :) I'm not the only crazy one, and if I'm gonna be nuts, why not be fit, too? (: Yes, these things actually go through my head...
Anyway - why freak out and give myself an added stress when the Lord knows I have plenty of other things to be stressing about.
Love this.
I cannot waittttttttttt. The joy my family (both given and chosen) brings me is nothing that I could ever describe in words. I am SO thankful - every day - to have them. Also so excited to visit my home church. I haven't been there *in the flesh* since last Christmas.
Very fun. Excitingggg.
Not so exciting? The bf is in Norway. While it's a 7 hour time difference, the pictures I've seen are GORGEOUS and I'm beyond jealous. :/ I'm getting pictures like this:

(going to the grocery store has never looked so glamorous)
Sup Norway?!
This is what I'll be doing for the next 16 weeks (:
Hal Higdon's plan for Marathon training (Novice 2)
So excited to get started on this!
Anyone who is doing a marathon HAS to read Marathon by Hal Hidgon. It is the BEST motivator and has some really great advice. I will forever be a fan of Hal. His system works, y'all.

Got some Clif Shots to try out, as they'll be the sponsored gel at the Twin Cities Marathon. I also got some Honey Stinger waffles and chews (previously written about) and I think I got another thing to try. I need to get some Powerade Ion 4, as that's the sports drink they'll provide. AND after research and lots of positive reviews, I got some compression socks. I'll let you know how I like them. My sweet friend Jodi gave me a heads up on a sale from pro compression so I got them 40% off! whaaatyessss.
I'm also implementing these diet changes starting this week from Matt Fitzgerald's book that I read, The New Nutrition Guide for Marathoners and Half-Marathoners. I would definitely recommend it for anyone that is super active. The "plan" isn't a "diet" but a way to look at food and nutrition for the rest of your life. I just really resonated with it. To start, I've got this DELISH dinner to appease my weekly pizza craving iaintmadatchaaa

ANDDDD --- I cut all my hair off. Again (:

#teenytinyponyhair (Erynn's word for ponytail. I now talk like I'm 2 years old).
Off to watch Dateline. Don't hate. I know I sound like an old woman.
I have 6 miles tomorrow, and then work work work.
Happy weekend, y'all!
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