Hey guys! Hope all is well! The weather has been relatively nice and I've been seeing more and more people hitting the streets for their outdoor workouts!
I think I'm getting tired. My legs, that is. My pace is slowing some days and I'm having a hard time getting my runs done with my average pace. I don't know if it's because I've been busier and working at a restaurant (so walking around a LOTTTTT) -- I don't know, but it's starting to frustrate me. I took a rest day Friday and then *killed* my run Saturday with an overall pace of 8:55 min/mile for 11 miles. I've got a race this weekend (Fargo) and Memorial Day weekend (Traverse City) -- and I really want to PR with 2:00:00. Fingers crossed! I don't think I'll have any problems, but starting my prep this week by upping my water intake and cutting carbs down until Friday. That means no eggy oats for a few days *cry* --
Already thinking about my pre-race ritual: banana, coffee, water, immodium AD (for my awful runners IBS). My runners belt, Gu, water/gatorade, gum, and my iphone playlist. Already getting excited about it. Already packing :) I leave Thursdayyyy <3
I think I'm getting tired. My legs, that is. My pace is slowing some days and I'm having a hard time getting my runs done with my average pace. I don't know if it's because I've been busier and working at a restaurant (so walking around a LOTTTTT) -- I don't know, but it's starting to frustrate me. I took a rest day Friday and then *killed* my run Saturday with an overall pace of 8:55 min/mile for 11 miles. I've got a race this weekend (Fargo) and Memorial Day weekend (Traverse City) -- and I really want to PR with 2:00:00. Fingers crossed! I don't think I'll have any problems, but starting my prep this week by upping my water intake and cutting carbs down until Friday. That means no eggy oats for a few days *cry* --
Love these babies! |
Already thinking about my pre-race ritual: banana, coffee, water, immodium AD (for my awful runners IBS). My runners belt, Gu, water/gatorade, gum, and my iphone playlist. Already getting excited about it. Already packing :) I leave Thursdayyyy <3
So -- I spiced up some rice on Monday -- yum.
Brown rice with green onions, lime juice, cilantro, cumin/paprika, anddddd japs. Duh.
DELISH. Wish I snapped a pic :(
I always forget to spice my rice up a bit..but I loved it. LOVEDDD it. Trying to really eat healthy (no treat meals) this week. My workouts will start tapering down in preparation for my races, anddd I want to feel tip-top since I'm going to be visiting the boy. :) SOOO happy about that. After 7 weeks of no phone calls or actual time together, I am certainly ready to spend some QT. I give people who successfully do long distance relationships and do them well props. It is not always fun and easy. #truestory
DELISH. Wish I snapped a pic :(
I always forget to spice my rice up a bit..but I loved it. LOVEDDD it. Trying to really eat healthy (no treat meals) this week. My workouts will start tapering down in preparation for my races, anddd I want to feel tip-top since I'm going to be visiting the boy. :) SOOO happy about that. After 7 weeks of no phone calls or actual time together, I am certainly ready to spend some QT. I give people who successfully do long distance relationships and do them well props. It is not always fun and easy. #truestory
Fast feet? Yep! |

Yep. It will happen :)
Sad note: two of my quiet neighbors have moved out and I'm nervous I'm going to get some crazies. I will NOT be pleased. Happy note: We got new carpet and paint and tile in the hall/entryway of my building, and I reallllllly like it. Love new stuff! Fancyyy. Plus, if my rent is going up I wanna see some improvements. A while ago I posted and ranted about our god-awful gym, and that's under construction so I am anxious to see how it's going to look! Did I mention i'm getting a roomie in July? We will see how that works out, but living on the cheap will be nice. Adjusting to not living alone will be rough but it's just a year :)
*adios! Happy Monday!
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