Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday and my fridge

Who doesn't love the weekend? Even people that wait tables have their own weekend at some point (or should, if they don't) -- and I don't know one person that says,"Oh man I can't wait for work on Monday." (: If that's you, please let me meet you. I'd like you bottled, please.

I've been battling some food issues -- like wanting to eat everything. At 10 PM. How do I successfully NOT gorge at night? I simply don't have those foods at my apartment. Before going home for Christmas, I cleaned out my fridge and "pantry" (yes -- pantry is "pantry" because I don't HAVE a pantry. I have a bookshelf, that has food instead of books. Therefore, "pantry") so that when I got home, I wouldn't even have that stuff available to me. 

So, this is what my fridge typically looks like: 

Minus the booze (I'm over 21 - I'm entitled), its mostly veggies and fruit in here. I hit the store (Horrocks -- AMAZE. One of my favorite things about Lansing, Michigan! Indoor farmers market-style with super affordable produce) So, I stocked up. I am a leftover QUEEN (hello -- I'm a grad student nanny. Like I have a choice), so I've always got stuff to munch on quick, which keeps from getting HONGRY (so hungry I get mean and overeat something, usually something bad for me). Keeps me accountable!

So, today I woke up to....snow. I wish I was excited about this. Adios winter -- you've worn out your welcome. I think we got like 3-4 inches. That's 3-4 too many...Andddd of course, the sun doesn't want to make a special appearance. Not even once. Ugh. Oh well -- Spring will get here, eventually. And I will bask in the sunlight and lack of snow. I sucked it up, did my workout (indoors, duh. I am from the South, and we don't run when it's in the teens outside. We just don't), and went to see Identity Thief with Natasha -- loved laughing throughout the movie when no one else was. Yes, we were those girls. And I snuck Cuties and almonds into the movies. I would feel bad about this...but they don't have healthy snacks available at the movies. And again, I'm a grad student nanny. Sorry 'bout it!

I totally missed the memo on National Margarita Day, but I'll have some vino instead. Margaritas are super sugary/sweet/high cal. So, I'm ok with that :) If I'm gonna drink them, I better be at Mi Cocina. MMMMM Mambo Taxi!

Maximize the weekend! :) Until next time,
Stay warm, Mi.
Stay beautimus but don't brag, Texas. :)

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